Our RE Subject Leaders
Miss Dove
Mrs Watson
As a Catholic school we are all called to be disciples of Christ and stewards of creation. Faith is central to day-to-day life in our school and permeates through all aspects of the curriculum and underpins all teaching and learning. We celebrate the uniqueness of each individual with Christ at the Centre.
Our aim is provide a curriculum that will allow our children to:
- Develop a deep understanding of the Catholic Faith.
- Acquire the skills, knowledge and values to empower them to thrive by living out our school mission, ‘You are God’s children … shine like stars.’
- Have an awareness of the faith and traditions of other religious communities in order to respect and understand them.
- Become positive citizens who are strong in faith and use their God given talents for the benefit of others.
Religious Education is taught through the ‘Come and See’ programme alongside other resources to encourage the children to live their life following in the footsteps of Christ. 10% of the weekly timetable is dedicated to the teaching of RE. In addition, we provide opportunities for celebration, prayer and reflection in implicit and explicit ways.
The teaching and learning of Religious Education is taught in a multi-faceted way, in order to inspire and promote children’s creativity. Children are taught about God’s love, they learn about Christian responsibilities and how they should pray and care for others. Lessons use scripture and Gospel values to encourage children to explore and develop their own faith and express their thoughts and ideas.
St Joseph’s has a rich liturgical life. We have a close relationship with our parish and attend and participate in Holy Mass and the Sacraments. We provide our children with a wide range of experiences both in and out of school and work in partnership with parents, the parish and the local community.